The found poem above begins to summarize the intention of Faulkner and England’s edited collection Scientists and Poets #Resist. Found poetry can act as a form of poetic inquiry that pulls words and phrases together from a separate text to create a poetic summary or analysis of a larger text—this creation in verse illuminates my experience with Faulkner and England’s text.1 Their book includes twenty-five responses the co-editors received in response to a prompt of resistance. A plea, to say seven words the Trump administration banned from any governmental correspondence in 2017: diversity, entitlement, evidence-based, fetus, science-based, transgender, and vulnerable. Say them out loud to yourself. Are you threatened? How often do we use these words? How did this ban enlighten us with more exposure to these words? This book’s topic and format is innovative and provides motivation to take action. In addition, and more importantly, it...

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